So we live in a 1700 sqft home with 3 children. And yes, if my posts haven't already clued you in and you still need to ask...I am on the RED EYE TO CRAZY TOWN!!! But I am not precious husband has bought a ticket as well. Together we are completely Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs........but I digress.
Anyway, our kiddos have a hallway that separates their bedrooms from the living room where the hubs and I like to veg and watch television. And since he is a man, we watch it loudly!!!! I'm always complaining that we can hear everything that the kiddos are doing and vice versa! Between the "Cinema Quality, Action Packed, Shoot'em Up, Say Every Inappropriate Word Known To Man" movies he watches and the "obnoxious but thank GOD IN HEAVEN for the silly Sponge Bill Circle Shirt" shows my kids love, and the clanking of the GAZILLION dishes I'm washing in the kitchen...a person can seriously beg for Chinese Torture just to get some sanity.
So we decided that our only salvation would be a door. And seeing as how we no longer barter with chickens, or goats, and I have to have something that makes a statement, which means it's going to be pricey...buying a door was out of the question! SOOOOOOO....thank you google....I found Killer B!!! YAY! She gave me the greatest idea EVER!
So here is what we are doing!!!
We got the paneling...the type that snaps together
3 pine boards to frame it and make it look like it actually might have come out of a barn
So here is what we are doing!!!
We got the paneling...the type that snaps together

3 pine boards to frame it and make it look like it actually might have come out of a barn
Next came the Angle cut for the piece across the door. After some major mathematical equations, ruining one whole board, and screwing up so royally that we laughed like crazy cuz it was too ridiculous to even get mad over...we finally got smart and realized we were over thinking it!!! Eventually we got it.
Here's our final product!!!! But the best part........IT WORKS!!! Open...LOUD....Close....Silence...1 more time for effect...Open...L O U D...Close...S I L E N C E. God is good...and so are doors. Now to figure out how to add a lock without it being a fire hazard.
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